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Letra de Take a bow

Letra de la canción Take a bow interpreteda por Rihanna

Take a bow

Letra de la canción Take a bow interpretada por Rihanna. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Good girl gone bad
66081 visitas, 37 votos () y 10 comentario/s

Interprete: Rihanna
Disco: Good girl gone bad

Letra de la canción:

How 'bout a round of applause


Standing ovation

Oooohh Oh Yeah

Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah

You look so dumb right now

Standin' outside my house

Tryin' to apologize

You're so ugly when you cry


Just cut it out

And don't tell me you're sorry 'cuz you're not

Baby when I know you're only sorry you got caught

But you put on quite a show

Really had me goin'

But now it's time to go

Curtain's finally closin'

That was quite a show

Very entertainin'

But it's over now (But it's over now)

Go on and take a bow

Grab your clothes and get gone

You betta hurry up

Before the sprinklers come on

Talkin 'bout "Girl I love you, you're the one"

This just looks like a re-run


What else is on ?

And don't tell me you're sorry

'Cuz you're not

Baby when I know you're only sorry you got caught

But you put on quite a show

Really had me goin'

But now it's time to go

Curtain's finally closin'

But that was quite a show

Very entertainin'

But it's over now (But it's over now)

Go on and take a bow


And the award for

The best liar goes to you,

For makin me believe

That you could be Faithful

To me

let's hear your speach


How 'bout a round of applause

A standin' ovation

But you put on quite a show

Really had me goin'

Now it's time to go

Curtain's finally closin'

But that was quite a show

Very entertainin'

Yeah Yeah Yeah

But it's over now (But it's over now)

Go on and take a bow

But it's over now...

La canción Take a bow esta incluida en el disco Good girl gone bad de Rihanna. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Take a bow esta en el disco Good girl gone bad de Rihanna.
Si que conocer más de Rihanna podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Rihanna, o su discografía.
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Comentarios sobre Take a bow

Ver los 10 comentarios
Comentario de Javiera (24/09/2010 16:59)
Me encanta la cancion es hermosa habla de la realidad de los hombres
Comentario de Madeline (18/03/2010 01:17)
Bueno es buena la cancion tiene sentimiento y buena para chris creo k se refiere a el ademas le pega x estupido. rihanna t la comiste me gusta la forma en como transmite en el video tus gestos en el rostro..."Ver comentario completo
Comentario de Lokittaa (08/07/2009 18:00)
Estta muii buena la letra de la kancion de rhiannaa yyy tmb le digoo ke amoo
Comentario de Ines (17/02/2009 11:20)
Ola a encanta esta cancion!!cuando la escuxo se me ponen los pelos de encanta rihana y todas sus otras canciones.esta cancion inspira cn un amor x uno mismo.rihanna canta super"Ver comentario completo
Comentario de Melina (15/10/2008 22:30)
Creo que es una cancion exacta para decirle a alguien lo que te ha hecho sentir y decirle de una manera tan padre para decirle adios atte. meli