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Letra de Quando, quando, quando

Letra de la canción Quando, quando, quando interpreteda por Nelly Furtado

Quando, quando, quando

Letra de la canción Quando, quando, quando interpretada por Nelly Furtado. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Best of Nelly Furtado
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Interprete: Nelly Furtado
Disco: Best of Nelly Furtado

Letra de la canción:

Tell me when will you be mine

Tell me quando, quando, quando

We can share a love divine

Please don't make me wait again

When will you say yes to me

(When will you say yes to me)

Tell me quando, quando, quando

(Tell me quando, quando, quando)

You mean happiness to me

(You mean happiness to me)

Oh my love, please tell me when

Every moment's a day

(Every moment's a day)

Every day seems a lifetime

(Every day seems like a lifetime)

Let me show you the way

(Let me show you the way)

To a joy beyond compare

(I can't wait a moment more)

(Tell me quando, quando, quando)

Tell me quando, quando, quando

(Just say it's me that you adore)

And then darling, tell me when

Every moment's a day

(Every moment's a day)

Every day seems a lifetime

Let me show you the way

(Let me show you the way)

To a joy beyond compare

I can't wait a moment more

(I can't wait a moment more)

Tell me quando, quando, quando

Say it's me that you adore

And then darling, tell me when

Oh my darling, tell me when

And then darling, tell me when

Oh my darling, tell me when

Oh when

La canción Quando, quando, quando esta incluida en el disco Best of Nelly Furtado de Nelly Furtado. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Quando, quando, quando esta en el disco Best of Nelly Furtado de Nelly Furtado.
Si que conocer más de Nelly Furtado podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Nelly Furtado, o su discografía.
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