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Letra de Bones

Letra de la canción Bones interpreteda por James Blunt


Letra de la canción Bones interpretada por James Blunt. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Moon landing
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Interprete: James Blunt
Disco: Moon landing

Letra de la canción:

I have never been a beautiful boy

Never liked the sound of my own voice

I wasn't cool when I was in my teens

I never slept but I did have dreams

As I step out in this big old world

Seven billion just trying to cope and

Everyone of us someday will die

But today I never felt more alive

Can you feel it coming?

Can you feel it coming?

Can you feel it, feel it, feel it?

Running through your bones

Running through your bones

Yeah you set my heart on fire

And it's all hot wired to my bones

I can count all the things I fear

I close my eyes but they don't disappear

If there's a god then there's a guarantee

But if there's not it's just you and me

Can you feel it coming?

Can you feel it coming?

Can you feel it, feel it, feel it?

Running through your bones

Running through your bones

Yeah you set my heart on fire

And it's all hot wired to my bones

So kiss me before the sun falls down

Run before your legs give way

Swallow it until you drown

Can you feel it coming?

Can you feel it coming?

Can you feel it, feel it, feel it?

Running through your bones

Running through your bones

Yeah you set my heart on fire and

And it's all hot wired to my bones

Running through my bones

Yeah you set my heart on fire

And it's all hot wired to my bones

Running through my bones

Running through my bones

La canción Bones esta incluida en el disco Moon landing de James Blunt. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Bones esta en el disco Moon landing de James Blunt.
Si que conocer más de James Blunt podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por James Blunt, o su discografía.
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