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Letra de Cut The Line

Letra de la canción Cut The Line interpreteda por Joss Stone

Cut The Line

Letra de la canción Cut The Line interpretada por Joss Stone. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Water for your soul
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Interprete: Joss Stone
Disco: Water for your soul

Letra de la canción:

What am I talking about?

Got too much to say, got too much to shout

Should I write it in capital letters?

You can figure it out

Why make a noise when you're deaf to my words?

You think it's a ploy and I'm testin' your nerve

How can I show you the truth

When you're turned away when I'm bruised?

Someone cut the line of communication

Someone cut the line

Someone cut the line where the explanation

I can't get in, I can't get out

I can't get over how you're shuttin' me out

Shuttin' me out, shuttin' me out

If I'm to blame then help me understand

You can't complain when you're shuttin' me out

Shuttin' me out, shuttin' me out

This is serious to say, a serious saying

I notice that whenever the melody rings

You take a sentiment and pop it in the bank

And start jammin'

You're subliminal to know, and all the things you don't

Your intelligence is oblivious to so much, so much

You go so tight that

I can't get in, I can't get out

I can't get over how you're shuttin' me out

Shuttin' me out, shuttin' me out

If I'm to blame then help me understand

You can't complain when you're shuttin' me out

Shuttin' me out, shuttin' me out

How do you propose that we go forward

Backward, left or right

Or know how to continue on this path at all?

Why can't you see I'm in love with you?

Can you step out of your cubbyhole

Know me tight, speak your mind

As we roll on through life it'll be alright

If you're by my side

Let go and try, let me in

So I can sit by your side for the rest of our lives

Cut that rope and line and tie

Tie it up tight

Someone cut the line, someone cut the line

Someone went and cut our line

We gotta mend it

I can't get in, I can't get out

I can't get over how you're shuttin' me out

Shuttin' me out, shuttin' me out

If I'm to blame then help me understand

You can't complain when you're shuttin' me out

Shuttin' me out, shuttin' me out

What am I supposed to do with that?

Where are we gonna go with that?


Nowhere good

What am I supposed to do with that?

Where are we gonna go, baby, if you won't talk to me, love?

Where we gonna go now?

Don't shut me out

Don't shut me out

La canción Cut The Line esta incluida en el disco Water for your soul de Joss Stone. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Cut The Line esta en el disco Water for your soul de Joss Stone.
Si que conocer más de Joss Stone podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Joss Stone, o su discografía.
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