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Letra de Que Dices

Letra de la canción Que Dices interpreteda por Black Eyed Peas

Que Dices

Letra de la canción Que Dices interpretada por Black Eyed Peas. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Behind the Front
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Interprete: Black Eyed Peas
Disco: Behind the Front

Letra de la canción:

We be fallin up like growin

Niggas don't be knowin our styles we be showin

Extraterrestrial complete show em

Sure, shoney men bring on the spear flow em

Up in the air, into their athmosphere

Let em know we tooken some shit right here

There's no way of knowing where we going from here

But we're prepared to enter war they declare

Motion to motion, we be like ghostin

Black Eyed Peas contain the rhyme with the potion

Got your emotion mingling with us

Any animosity now it's time to hush

Feel the fuckin rush

Chorus (2x):

Say what if you feelin it (Say what, say what)

I know you feelin it (Say what, say what)

Say what if you feelin it (Say what, say what)

I know you feelin it (Say what, say what)

Really y'all, here's how to be free

Just open your mind and relax with the Peas

Let us call our mellow crew, help you out to peep the ease

Like a thirty-five mile cruise, steady summer breeze

Run into your town, run into her town

Feelin my sound spreadin around

We spreadin around like the plague

I got you movin hips, necks and legs

I'm closed to the end

So push me, we magic like hocus

We be fallin up like oh shit

Some shit, that you won't see

Some shit that you can't lose

Some shit that can only be down by you know who

Whatever double the W-I to the L-L

For owning the extraterre-es-tre-el-el

Rockin you the cool-ass rhymes

The cool-ass rhymes, some cool-ass rhymes

Some cool-ass rhymes

Chorus (2x)

My job is to mainly hypnotize

I'ma take over the charts and maneuver through the eyes

Visually on stage, the Peas, we multiply

While equalling the sums of only one try

First is my scarf that presented of the pile

Second adjust my bust that really sound fly

Third gain the zone, Nawasha has arrived

Fourth keep my mind and my song online

We purchasin dues that remain state of mind

Equipped with all cultures, a piece of color blind

We keep it on the positive 'cause it is hard to find

Keep it on the positive 'cause it is hard to find

Say what

Chorus (2x)

Say what if you feelin it (Say what, say what)

Say what (Say what)

Say what (Say what)

Say what (Say what)

What, what nigga

Say what

What nigga

Corregido por Bepfan: 1/03/08

La canción Que Dices esta incluida en el disco Behind the Front de Black Eyed Peas. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Que Dices esta en el disco Behind the Front de Black Eyed Peas.
Si que conocer más de Black Eyed Peas podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Black Eyed Peas, o su discografía.
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