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Letra de Emergency On Planet Earth

Letra de la canción Emergency On Planet Earth interpreteda por Jamiroquai

Emergency On Planet Earth

Letra de la canción Emergency On Planet Earth interpretada por Jamiroquai. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Emergency on Planet Earth
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Interprete: Jamiroquai
Disco: Emergency on Planet Earth

Letra de la canción:

The kids need education,

And the streets are never clean,

I've seen, a certain disposition, prevailing in the wind,

Sweet change, if anybody's listening?

Emergency on planet earth.

Is that life that I am witnessing,

Or just another wasted birth.

Now, we got emergency

Oh, we got emergency on planet Earth

Now, we got emergency

Oh, we got emergency on planet Earth

Think we're standing for injustice,

White gets two and black gets five years,

Took me quite a while to suss this,

But now I know my head is cleared

And a little boy in hungry land, is just a picture in the news,

Won't see him in that TV advertising, 'cause it might put you off your food

Now, we got emergency

Oh, we got emergency on planet Earth

Now, we got emergency

Oh, we got emergency on planet Earth

La canción Emergency On Planet Earth esta incluida en el disco Emergency on Planet Earth de Jamiroquai. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Emergency On Planet Earth esta en el disco Emergency on Planet Earth de Jamiroquai.
Si que conocer más de Jamiroquai podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Jamiroquai, o su discografía.
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