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Letras de canciones

Letras de canciones de tus artistas preferidos.

Música: Letras de canciones

Letras de canciones ordenadas alfabeticamente. En cada letra podrás ver también la biografía y discografía del interprete. Participa y escribe un comentario de tus letras preferidas.
1016 canciones con A | 102 páginas



/ Come on baby / Come on girl / Come on baby / Come on girl / I love you baby / I love you now / I love you baby / I love...

| 2375 visitas | 1 comentarios

Tan Biónica


Ella es el hada perdida / Que un día dormida / En mi vida cayó. / Sale del baño desnuda, / Se prueba vestidos, / No pide...

| 10849 visitas | 0 comentarios

Celine Dion

Beautiful Boy

Close your eyes, / Have no fear, / The monster's gone, / He's on the run / And your mummy's here. / Beautiful, beautiful,...

| 1858 visitas | 0 comentarios


Beautiful Day

/ The heart is a bloom / Shoots up through the stony ground / There's no room / No space to rent in this town / You're out...

| 2500 visitas | 0 comentarios

Kelly Clarkson

Beautiful disaster

/ He Drowns In His Dreams / And Exquisite Extreme I Know / He´s As Damned As He Seems / And More Heaven Than A Heart Could...

| 2103 visitas | 0 comentarios

Kelly Clarkson

Beautiful disaster (live)

/ He drowns in his dreams / An exquisite extreme I know / He´s as damned as he seems / And more heaven than a heart could...

| 1439 visitas | 0 comentarios


Beautiful Girl

/ Nicky's in the corner / With a black coat on / Running from a bad home / With some cat inside / Now where did you find...

| 3227 visitas | 0 comentarios

Maroon 5

Beautiful Goodbye

I count the ways I let you down / On my fingers and toes but I’m runnin’ out / Clever words can’t help me now / I keep...

| 2013 visitas | 0 comentarios


Beautiful killer

Dark eyes on a dangerous face you are a beautiful killer / We pass by the same old place you are a beautiful killer / You don't...

| 6998 visitas | 1 comentarios


Beautiful liar

(Ay) / (Ay) / (Ay, Nobody makes me a prey) / Oh, you don't say Beyonce / Oh, Is Sasha, Is Sasha (Hey) / He said, I'm worth...

| 8424 visitas | 1 comentarios

1016 canciones con A | 102 páginas