ABBA | Disco: Waterloo
King Kong Song
/ Well I was looking at a movie on the TV last night / Then I had a very funny notion, yeah / I really had to write a song...
| 1687 visitas | 0 comentarios
ABBA | Disco: Arrival
Knowing Me Knowing You
No more carefree laughter / Silence ever after / Walking through an empty house, tears in my eyes / Here is where the story...
| 2490 visitas | 0 comentarios
ABBA | Disco: Super Trouper
Lay All Your Love On Me
/ I wasn't jealous before we met / Now every woman I see is a potential threat / And I'm possessive, it isn't nice / You've...
| 3514 visitas | 0 comentarios
ABBA | Disco: Arrival
Money Money Money
/ I work all night, I work all day, to pay the bills I have to pay / Ain't it sad / And still there never seems to be a single...
| 5250 visitas | 0 comentarios
ABBA | Disco: Arrival
My Love My Life
/ I've seen it on your face / Tells me more than any worn-out old phrase / So now we'll go separate ways / Never again we...
| 2206 visitas | 0 comentarios
ABBA | Disco: Waterloo
My Mama Said
/ Tried to sneak out without saying / With my loudest record playing / Ooh, my mama said, "Look at this, you haven't done...
| 2032 visitas | 0 comentarios