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Canciones por Aerosmith

Letras de canciones interpretadas por Aerosmith

Aerosmith: Letras de canciones

Aerosmith comenzó cuando Steven Tyler formó una banda, 'The Strangers', en 1964, en Sunapee, un pequeño pueble de New Hampshire, donde tocaba la batería. Poco después, el nombre del grupo pasó a... Más...
115 canciones de Aerosmith | 12 páginas

Aerosmith | Disco: Pump

What It Takes

/ there goes my old girlfriend / well there's another diamond ring / and all those late night promises / I guess they don't...

| 2425 visitas | 1 comentarios

Aerosmith | Disco: Get Your Wings

Woman Of The World

/ well she's a woman of the world, and God she knows it / she'll turn my head every time she shows it / yeah, nothin' you can...

| 1486 visitas | 0 comentarios

Aerosmith | Disco: Aerosmith

Write Me A Letter

/ write me a letter / write me a letter / write it today / I'm goin' away / well I've been away forever / suicide's crossin' my...

| 1642 visitas | 0 comentarios

Aerosmith | Disco: Toys In The Attic

You See Me Crying

/ You see me crying, don't let it getcha down. / You see me crying, I'm back to the lost and found. / Honey whatcha done to...

| 2009 visitas | 0 comentarios

Aerosmith | Disco: Pump

Young Lust

/ young lust / happy just to be in lust / never have to eat no dust / everybody talk about / young lust / you're dyin' and you're...

| 1706 visitas | 1 comentarios

115 canciones de Aerosmith | 12 páginas