Aerosmith | Disco: Pump
What It Takes
/ there goes my old girlfriend / well there's another diamond ring / and all those late night promises / I guess they don't...
2425 visitas | 1 comentarios
Aerosmith | Disco: Get Your Wings
Woman Of The World
/ well she's a woman of the world, and God she knows it / she'll turn my head every time she shows it / yeah, nothin' you can...
1486 visitas | 0 comentarios
Aerosmith | Disco: Aerosmith
Write Me A Letter
/ write me a letter / write me a letter / write it today / I'm goin' away / well I've been away forever / suicide's crossin' my...
1642 visitas | 0 comentarios
Aerosmith | Disco: Toys In The Attic
You See Me Crying
/ You see me crying, don't let it getcha down. / You see me crying, I'm back to the lost and found. / Honey whatcha done to...
2009 visitas | 0 comentarios
Aerosmith | Disco: Pump
Young Lust
/ young lust / happy just to be in lust / never have to eat no dust / everybody talk about / young lust / you're dyin' and you're...
1706 visitas | 1 comentarios