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Canciones por Aerosmith

Letras de canciones interpretadas por Aerosmith

Aerosmith: Letras de canciones

Aerosmith comenzó cuando Steven Tyler formó una banda, 'The Strangers', en 1964, en Sunapee, un pequeño pueble de New Hampshire, donde tocaba la batería. Poco después, el nombre del grupo pasó a... Más...
115 canciones de Aerosmith | 12 páginas

Aerosmith | Disco: Nine Lives


/ Sitting on a castle / On the floor with Esmeralda / Waiting for the Geezer / Captain Crunch to come around / Feeling suicidal / ‘Coz...

| 1935 visitas | 0 comentarios

Aerosmith | Disco: Get A Grip


/ Come 'ere baby / You know you drive me up the wall / the way you make good on all the nasty tricks you pull / Seems like we're...

| 15310 visitas | 5 comentarios

Aerosmith | Disco: Rock In A Hard Place

Cry Me A River

/ Now you say you lonely / You cry the whole night through / Well you can cry me a river, / Cry me a river, I cried a river...

| 2527 visitas | 0 comentarios

Aerosmith | Disco: Get A Grip


/ There was a time / When I was so brokenhearted / Love wasn't much of a friend of mine / The tables have turned, yeah / 'Cause...

| 4719 visitas | 1 comentarios

Aerosmith | Disco: Done With Mirrors


/ Darkness, darkness, hungry to the bone / Darkness, darkness, take my body home / God I'm in love, I'm in love, I'm in love,...

| 1807 visitas | 0 comentarios

Aerosmith | Disco: Devil's Got A New Disguise: The Very Best Of...

Devil’s Got A New Disguise

If you see kay, you got to revel / No angel wings more like the devil / She was so hot, so cool and nasty / Believe it or not...

| 2027 visitas | 0 comentarios

Aerosmith | Disco: Draw The Line

Draw The Line

/ checkmate honey, beat ya at your own damn game / no dice honey, I'm livin' on the astral plane / feet's on the ground, and...

| 1520 visitas | 0 comentarios

Aerosmith | Disco: Aerosmith

Dream On

/ every time that I look in the mirror / all these lines on my face getting clearer / the past is gone / it went by like dusk...

| 75560 visitas | 17 comentarios

Aerosmith | Disco: Just Push Play:

Drop Dead Gorgeous

/ Totally out of control / She owns me / I didn't know that / She'd know / She stoned me / I think I've got it bad / And I can't...

| 1886 visitas | 0 comentarios

Aerosmith | Disco: Permanent Vacation

Dude (Looks Like A Lady)

/ Dude look like a lady / Dude look like a lady / Dude look like a lady / Dude look like a lady / Cruised into a bar on the...

| 2640 visitas | 0 comentarios

115 canciones de Aerosmith | 12 páginas