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Canciones por Aerosmith

Letras de canciones interpretadas por Aerosmith

Aerosmith: Letras de canciones

Aerosmith comenzó cuando Steven Tyler formó una banda, 'The Strangers', en 1964, en Sunapee, un pequeño pueble de New Hampshire, donde tocaba la batería. Poco después, el nombre del grupo pasó a... Más...
115 canciones de Aerosmith | 12 páginas

Aerosmith | Disco: Done With Mirrors

Gypsy Boots

/ Gypsy, gypsy, dancing feet / Gypsy, gypsy, bittersweet / Screamer, dreamer, disarray / Gypsy, gypsy, why don't you fly away? / No...

| 1774 visitas | 0 comentarios

Aerosmith | Disco: Permanent Vacation

Hangman Jury

/ Me old my lady sittin' in the shade / Talkin' about the money that I ain't made / Singin' o boy dontcha line the / Track...

| 1340 visitas | 1 comentarios

Aerosmith | Disco: Permanent Vacation

Heart's Done Time

/ Met a woman, she had a man Couldn't help it, I had a plan Right around midnight he was gone Saw her red light, she left...

| 1727 visitas | 0 comentarios

Aerosmith | Disco: Nine Lives

Hole In My Soul

/ I'm down a one way street / With a one night stand / With a one track mind / Out in no man's land / (The punishment sometimes...

| 3572 visitas | 0 comentarios

Aerosmith | Disco: Devil's Got A New Disguise: The Very Best Of...

I Dont Want To Miss A Thing

I could stay awake just to hear you breathing / Watch you smile while you are sleeping / While you're far away and dreaming / I...

| 3511 visitas | 2 comentarios

Aerosmith | Disco: Draw The Line

I Wanna Know Why

/ kickin' down the road / feelin' mighty slowed / with the likes of you / gettin' mighty spaced / never had a taste / of what...

| 1489 visitas | 0 comentarios

Aerosmith | Disco: Honkin' on Bobo

I'm Ready

/ I'm ready... ready as anybody can be / I'm ready... ready as anybody can be / Now I'm ready for you / I hope you're ready...

| 2127 visitas | 0 comentarios

Aerosmith | Disco: Just Push Play:


Hey, ja-ja-jaded / U got your mama's style / But you're yesterday's child to me / So jaded / U think that's where it's at / But...

| 9204 visitas | 1 comentarios

Aerosmith | Disco: Rock In A Hard Place


/ Baby, take me, baby, take me, baby I'm drivin' maybe / baby take me . . . . / Take it or leave it on a Saturday night / If...

| 2741 visitas | 0 comentarios

Aerosmith | Disco: Honkin' on Bobo

Jesus Is On The Main Line

/ Jesus is on that mainline... tell him what you want / Jesus is on that mainline... tell him what you want / Jesus is on...

| 1587 visitas | 0 comentarios

115 canciones de Aerosmith | 12 páginas