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Canciones por Green Day

Letras de canciones interpretadas por Green Day

Green Day: Letras de canciones

Posiblemente la primera banda punk en triunfar a nivel mundial y en abrir las puertas de los medios de comunicación al fenómeno punk. Tras publicar dos discos independientes de una calidad técnica... Más...
116 canciones de Green Day | 12 páginas

Green Day | Disco: Nimrod

The Grouch

/ I was a young boy that had big plans. / Now I'm just another shitty old man. / I don't have fun and I hate everything....

| 1591 visitas | 0 comentarios

Green Day | Disco: 1,039 Smoothed Out Slappy Hours

The Judge's Daughter

/ Princess in a school girl's dream / May I please speak with you? / I'm having troubles with control / And it's all because...

| 1238 visitas | 0 comentarios

Green Day | Disco: 21st Century Breakdown

The Static Age

Can you hear the sound of the static noise? / Blasting out in stereo / Cater to the class and the paranoid / Music to my nervous...

| 11897 visitas | 1 comentarios

Green Day | Disco: ¡Uno!


Hey! You're giving me a heart attack / You're giving me a cardiac arrest / when I'm standing at the traffic light / Hey! I...

| 1401 visitas | 0 comentarios

Green Day | Disco: Nimrod


/ I woke up on the wrong side of the floor. / Made, made my way through the front door. / Broke my engagement with myself....

| 1694 visitas | 0 comentarios

Green Day | Disco: 21st Century Breakdown

Viva la Gloria!

Hey Gloria / Are you standing close to the edge? / Lookout to the setting sun / The brink of your vision / Eternal youth is / A...

| 49160 visitas | 11 comentarios

Green Day | Disco: 21st Century Breakdown

Viva La Gloria? [Little girl]

Little girl, little girl / Why are you crying? / Inside your restless soul your heart is dying / Little one, little one / Your...

| 34 visitas | 0 comentarios

Green Day | Disco: American Idiot

Wake me up when september ends

/ / Summer has come and passed / The innocent can never last / wake me up when september ends / like my fathers come to...

| 8278 visitas | 4 comentarios

Green Day | Disco: ¡Tré!

Walk Away

This time / I've gotta put my guard down / And pick myself up off the ground / And take the pain / It'll pass / The swelling...

| 2416 visitas | 0 comentarios

Green Day | Disco: Insomniac

Walking Contradiction

/ Do as I say not as I do because / The shit so deep you can't run away / I beg to differ on the contrary / I agree with...

| 1659 visitas | 0 comentarios

116 canciones de Green Day | 12 páginas