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Letras de canciones

Letras de canciones de tus artistas preferidos.

Música: Letras de canciones

Letras de canciones ordenadas alfabeticamente. En cada letra podrás ver también la biografía y discografía del interprete. Participa y escribe un comentario de tus letras preferidas.
835 canciones con A | 84 páginas


Heaven or hell

Bienvenidos pasajeros a este tren, / donde todo vale nada y nada es ley, / Si descara mucho menos dirección, / pasa el tiempo...

| 23608 visitas | 0 comentarios


Heaven Sent

/ Your eyes are like deep wells of desire / Once in your arms I'm on fire / You were sent girl so perfectly true / Changing...

| 1516 visitas | 0 comentarios


Heaven Sent

/ Your eyes are like deep wells of desire / Once in your arms I'm on fire / You were sent girl so perfectly true / Changing...

| 1608 visitas | 0 comentarios

Bruce Springsteen

Heaven's Wall

(Raise your hand, raise your hand, raise your hand) / (Raise your hand, raise your hand, raise your hand) / (Raise your hand,...

| 1047 visitas | 0 comentarios

Mariah Carey

Heavenly (No Ways Tired/Can’t Give Up Now)

Folks will taking advantage of you / because they believe you’re too weak to speak up for yourself / You don’t have to...

| 1224 visitas | 0 comentarios


Heavy Flow

/ I wanna break you down slow 'cause you know I never understand / How this fucked up life makes sweat into blood and hands...

| 1556 visitas | 0 comentarios

Lady Gaga

Heavy metal lover

(Heavy metal lover, heavy metal lover) / (Heavy metal lover, heavy metal lover) / (Heavy metal lover, heavy metal lover) / (Heavy...

| 1342 visitas | 0 comentarios


Heavy on my heart

/ / I try to fly away but it´s impossible / And every breath I take gives birth to deeper sighs / And for a moment I am...

| 1327 visitas | 0 comentarios


Heavy rotation

Verse 1 / I’m on air in a turning motion / And I don’t wanna take it slow / Take me there use your potion / Tell me how you...

| 1194 visitas | 0 comentarios

Elton John

Heavy Traffic

/ Shakey wake up thirsty from a night in the bar / And snake hips Joe is Mr. Cool / Out on the boulevard / The pimp from...

| 1287 visitas | 0 comentarios

835 canciones con A | 84 páginas