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Letra de Hail, hail

Letra de la canción Hail, hail interpreteda por Pearl Jam

Hail, hail

Letra de la canción Hail, hail interpretada por Pearl Jam. Este tema esta incluído en el disco No code
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Interprete: Pearl Jam
Disco: No code

Letra de la canción:

ah, is there room for both of us?

both of us apart?

are we bound out of obligation?

is that all we´ve got?

i get the words, and then i get to thinkin´

i don´t wanna think, i wanna feel

and how do i feel?

and how do i...

if you´re the only one, will i never be enough?

hail, hail the lucky ones, i refer to those in love

swore i´d love you till the day i die, and beyond..

are we going to the same place? if so, can i come?

it´s egg rolling thick and heavy

all the past you carry

oh, i could be new... you underestimate me

if you´re the only one, will i never be enough?

hail, hail the lucky ones, i refer to those in love

i sometimes realize i could only be as good as you´ll let me

are you woman enough to be my man?

bandaged hand in hand

i find it on the run in a race that can´t be won

all hail the lucky ones, i refer to those in love

if you´re my only one, so could you only one?

i want to be your one, enough...

you won, your one, your hun

La canción Hail, hail esta incluida en el disco No code de Pearl Jam. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Hail, hail esta en el disco No code de Pearl Jam.
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