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Letra de Candyman

Letra de la canción Candyman interpreteda por Christina Aguilera


Letra de la canción Candyman interpretada por Christina Aguilera. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Back to basics
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Interprete: Christina Aguilera
Disco: Back to basics

Letra de la canción:

(Tarzan and Jane were swingin' on a vine)

Candy man, candy man

(Sippin' from a bottle of vodka double wine)

Sweet, sugar, candy man

Hey, uh

I met him out for dinner on a Friday night

He really got me working up an appetite

He had tattoos up and down his arm

There's nothing more dangerous than a boy with charm

He's a one stop jive, makes my panties drop

He's a sweet talkin' sugar coated candy man

A sweet talkin' sugar coated candy man

Ooh, yeah, yeah

He took me to this cotton club on Hollywood & Vine

We drank champagne and we danced all night

We shook the paparazzi for a big surprise (a big surprise)


He's a one stop jive, makes my cherry pop

He's a sweet talkin' sugar coated candy man (ooh yeah)

A sweet talkin sugar coated candy man


Hey, yeah

Oh, yeah

He's a one stop jive, makes my cherry pop

He's a sweet talkin' sugar coated candy man (oh)

A sweet talkin sugar coated candy man

Whoa, yeah

Well, by now I?m getting all bothered and hot

When he hits my mouth he really hits the spot

He got lips like sugar cane, oh

Good things come for those who wait

(Tarzan and Jane were swingin' on a vine)

Candy man, candy man

(Sippin' from a bottle of vodka double wine)

Candy man, candy man

(Sweet, sugar, candy man)

He's a one stop, gotcha hot, makin all the panties drop

(Sweet, sugar, candy man)

He's a one stop, got me hot, makin' my *uh* pop

(Sweet, sugar, candy man)

He's a one stop, get it while it's hot, baby don't stop

(Sweet, sugar)

He got those lips like sugar cane

Good things come for ones who wait

He's a one stop jive with a real big *uh*

He's a sweet talkin' sugar coated candy man

(Say what) a sweet talkin sugar coated candy man

(Say) a sweet talkin sugar coated candy man, woo

A sweet talkin sugar coated candy man

Oooh, whoa

Candy man, candy man

Candy man, candy man

Candy man, candy man...

(Tarzan and Jane were swingin' on a vine

Tarzan and Jane were swingin' on a vine

Sippin' from a bottle of vodka double wine

Sippin' from a bottle of vodka double wine

Jane lost her grip and down she fell

Jane lost her grip and down she fell

Squared herself away as she let out a yell

Squared herself away as she let out a yell)

La canción Candyman esta incluida en el disco Back to basics de Christina Aguilera. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Candyman esta en el disco Back to basics de Christina Aguilera.
Si que conocer más de Christina Aguilera podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Christina Aguilera, o su discografía.
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Comentarios sobre Candyman
Comentario de Daniel mendez (23/01/2007 11:36)
Increible ma mejro canción de ella