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Letra de Losing my way

Letra de la canción Losing my way interpreteda por Justin Timberlake

Losing my way

Letra de la canción Losing my way interpretada por Justin Timberlake. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Future Sex/Love Sound
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Interprete: Justin Timberlake
Disco: Future Sex/Love Sound

Letra de la canción:

Hey excuse me

Hi my name is Bob and I work at my job

I make forty-some dollars a day

I used to be the man in my hometown

´til I started to lose my way

It all goes back to when I dropped out at school

Having fun, I was living the life

But now I got a problem with that little white rock

See I can put down the pipe


And it´s breaking me down

Watching the world spin round

While my dreams fall down

Is anybody out there?

It is breaking me down

No more friend around...

And my dreams fall down...

Is anybody out there?

Can anybody out there hear me?

´Cause I can´t seem to hear myself

Can anybody out there see me?

´Cause I can´t seem to see myself...

There´s gotta be a heaven somewhere

Can you save me from this hell?

Can anybody out there feel me?

´Cause I can´t seem to feel myself

Losing my way

Keep losing my way...

Keep losing my way...

Can you help me find my way?

Losing my way

Keep losing my way

Keep losing my way...

Can you help me find my way?

Now you gotta understand I was a family man

I would have gave anything for my own

But I couldn´t get a grip on my new found itch

So I ended up all alone

I remember where I was when I got my first buzz

See I thought I was living the life

And the craziest thing is I´ll probably never know the color of my daughter´s eyes

And it is breaking me down

Watching the world spin round

While me dreams fall down

Is anybody out there?

It is breaking me down

No more friend around...

And my dreams fall down...

Is anybody out there?

Can anybody out there hear me?

´Cause I can´t seem to hear myself

Can anybody out there see me?

´Cause I can´t seem to see myself

There´s gotta be a heaven somewhere

Can you save me from this hell?

Can anybody out there feel me?

´Cause I can´t seem to feel myself.

Losing my way

Keep losing my way

Keep losing my way

Can you help find my way?

Losing my way

Keep losing my way

Keep losing my way

Can you help me find my way?

Oh my god please forgive me (father hear my pray)

´Cause I know I´ve done some wrong in this life

If I could do it all again

Have just one more chance

To take all those wrongs and make them right

Can anybody out there hear me?

´Cause I can´t seem to hear myself

Can anybody out there see me?

´Cause I can´t seem to see myself

There´s gotta be a heaven somewhere

Can you save me from this hell

Can anybody out there feel me?

´Cause I can´t seem to feel myself.

Can anybody out there hear me?

´Cause I can´t seem to hear myself

Can anybody out there see me?

´Cause I can´t seem to see myself

There´s gotta be a heaven somewhere

Can you save me from this hell

Can anybody out there feel me?

´Cause I can´t seem to feel myself

Losing my way

Keep losing my way

Keep losing my way

Can you help me find my way?

Losing my way

Keep losing my way

Keep losing my way

Can you help me find my way?

La canción Losing my way esta incluida en el disco Future Sex/Love Sound de Justin Timberlake. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Losing my way esta en el disco Future Sex/Love Sound de Justin Timberlake.
Si que conocer más de Justin Timberlake podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Justin Timberlake, o su discografía.
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Comentarios sobre Losing my way
Comentario de Esmeralda (25/02/2009 19:39)
Esta bien linda la canción el coro es muy lindo y el como siempre muy lindo
Comentario de Beatriz (03/12/2007 12:37)
ES una cancion muy buena!! Preciosa!!! A parte las voces tb estan muy bien y muy bonito!!!