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Letra de Oyeme

Letra de la canción Oyeme interpreteda por Enrique Iglesias


Letra de la canción Oyeme interpretada por Enrique Iglesias. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Enrique
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Interprete: Enrique Iglesias
Disco: Enrique

Letra de la canción:

If you`re feelin` like you want it, baby

Give you somethin` we can both go crazy

I get the feelin` when I look at you

There is nothin` that you wouldn`t do

You`re the kinda girl I dream about

Electric eyes and a big mouth

Turn me on, I`ll turn you inside out

By the end of the night I`ll be with you

Ay...there`s no hurry, baby, take your time

Ay...I`m not giving up until you`re mine

Oyeme...touch you here,

I`ll touch you there

Oyeme...I want to touch you everywhere

Oyeme...let`s just take it all the way


In the quiet of a darkened room

Under the influence of your perfume

There is nothin` that I wouldn`t do

Let me keep you up all through the night

Ay...there`s somethin` in your eyes I can`t describe

Ay...I`m not given until you`re mine

Oyeme...touch you here,

I`ll touch you there


I want to touch you everywhere


You`re so beautiful I swear


Oyeme...listen to the words I say

Oyeme...let`s just take it all the way

Oyeme...till the night becomes the day


Ay...there`s no hurry, baby, take your time

Ay...I`m not giving up until you`re mine

La canción Oyeme esta incluida en el disco Enrique de Enrique Iglesias. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Oyeme esta en el disco Enrique de Enrique Iglesias.
Si que conocer más de Enrique Iglesias podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Enrique Iglesias, o su discografía.
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