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Letra de Sweet Escape

Letra de la canción Sweet Escape interpreteda por Gwen Stefani

Sweet Escape

Letra de la canción Sweet Escape interpretada por Gwen Stefani. Este tema esta incluído en el disco The sweet escape
2949 visitas, 11 votos () y 6 comentario/s

Interprete: Gwen Stefani
Disco: The sweet escape

Letra de la canción:

If I could escape

I would, but first of all let me say

I must apologize for acting, thinking, treating you this way

Cause I've been acting like sour milk fell on the floor

It's your fault, you didn't shut the refrigerator

Maybe that's the reason I've been acting so cold

If I could escape

And re-create a place in my own world

And I could be your favorite girl

Forever, perfectly together

Now tell me boy, wouldn't that be sweet?

If I could be sweet

I know I've been a real bad girl

I didn't mean for you to get hurt

Forever, we can make it better

Tell me boy, now wouldn't that be sweet?

Sweet escape

Ooooh ooh ooooooh ooh (x 4)

You left me down

So baby, it's time to getting a little crazy

Hopefully you don't leave me

If I could escape

And re-create a place in my own world

And I could be your favorite girl

Forever, perfectly together

Now tell me boy, wouldn't that be sweet?

If I could be sweet

I know I've been a real bad girl

I didn't mean for you to get hurt

Forever, we can make it better

Tell me boy, now wouldn't that be sweet?

La canción Sweet Escape esta incluida en el disco The sweet escape de Gwen Stefani. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Sweet Escape esta en el disco The sweet escape de Gwen Stefani.
Si que conocer más de Gwen Stefani podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Gwen Stefani, o su discografía.
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Comentarios sobre Sweet Escape

Ver los 6 comentarios
Comentario de Melisa (11/04/2007 23:13)
Esta cancion me encanta y el video lo amo,marco mi vida,gwen sos una diosa en este video,ojala esta cancion sea la mejor del año 2007
Comentario de Pepe (04/04/2007 16:43)
Esta chevere la psg
Comentario de Alejandra (09/02/2007 00:34)
La verdad es una cancion bna pero hay mejores o bno que en lo particular yo prefiero del su disco como son: orange country girl, yummy, don't get it twister, wonderful life pero bno gwen decide que videos..."Ver comentario completo
Comentario de Alexia (08/01/2007 00:47)
Esta super buena,
Comentario de Belen (27/12/2006 20:48)
Esta re buena este tema no se lo pierdan mirenlo por mtv