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Letra de Candyland

Letra de la canción Candyland interpreteda por Gwen Stefani


Letra de la canción Candyland interpretada por Gwen Stefani. Este tema esta incluído en el disco The sweet escape
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Interprete: Gwen Stefani
Disco: The sweet escape

Letra de la canción:

When you wake up in the morning, and you stretch and yawn

and you roll all over me (gonna make you, mmm)

You can try to avoid it, but it can't be destroyed

When you hear that noise (gonna make you, oh yeah)

When you wake up in the mornin' (gonna make you)

When you get out of the shower (gonna make you)

Try to put on your clothes, think you're ready to go

And you attempt this alone (gonna make you, mmm)

I hope that doesn't scare you

I hope that doesn't scare you off

------ jumpsuits and leotards

(I hope that doesn't scare you off)

I'm about to come and steal your heart

(I hope that doesn't scare you off)

Clap your hands everybody, everybody clap your hands

I'm here to make you move, and share my groove and spread it across the land

Clap your hands everybody, everybody clap your hands

All the guys and girls, welcome to my world

To this candyland

Love, angel, music, baby

(Can someone call the fire department? These girls are on fire!)

La canción Candyland esta incluida en el disco The sweet escape de Gwen Stefani. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Candyland esta en el disco The sweet escape de Gwen Stefani.
Si que conocer más de Gwen Stefani podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Gwen Stefani, o su discografía.
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