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Letra de Bend & Break

Letra de la canción Bend & Break interpreteda por Keane

Bend & Break

Letra de la canción Bend & Break interpretada por Keane. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Hopes and Fears
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Interprete: Keane
Disco: Hopes and Fears

Letra de la canción:

When you, when you forget your name

When old faces all look the same

Meet me in the morning when you wake up

Meet me in the morning then you'll wake up

If only I don't bend and break

I'll meet you on the other side

I'll meet you in the light

If only I don't suffocate

I'll meet you in the morning when you wake

Lovesick bitter and hardened heart

Aching waiting for night waiting for life to start

Meet me in the morning when you wake up

Meet me in the morning then you'll wake up

If only I don't bend and break

I'll meet you on the other side

I'll meet you in the light

If only I don't suffocate

I'll meet you in the morning when you wake

If only I don't bend and break

I'll meet you on the other side

I'll meet you in the light

If only I don't suffocate

I'll meet you in the morning when you wake

I'll meet you on the other side

I'll meet you in the light

If only I don't suffocate

I'll meet you in the morning when you wake

La canción Bend & Break esta incluida en el disco Hopes and Fears de Keane. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Bend & Break esta en el disco Hopes and Fears de Keane.
Si que conocer más de Keane podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Keane, o su discografía.
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