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Letra de Hamburg Song

Letra de la canción Hamburg Song interpreteda por Keane

Hamburg Song

Letra de la canción Hamburg Song interpretada por Keane. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Under the Iron Sea
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Interprete: Keane
Disco: Under the Iron Sea

Letra de la canción:

I don't wanna be adored

Don't wanna be first in line

Or make myself heard

I'd like to bring a little light

To shine a light on your life

To make you feel loved

No, don't wanna be the only one you know

I wanna be the place you call home

I lay myself down

To make it so, but you don't want to know

I give much more

Than I'd ever ask for

Will you see me in the end

Or is it just a waste of time

Trying to be your friend

Just shine, shine, shine

Shine a little light

Shine a light on my life

Warm me up again

Fool, I wonder if you know yourself at all

You know that it could be so simple

I lay myself down

To make it so, but you don't want to know

You take much more

Than I'd ever ask for

Say a word or two to brighten my day

Do you think that you could see your way

To lay yourself down

And make it so, but you don't want to know

You take much more

Than I'd ever ask for

La canción Hamburg Song esta incluida en el disco Under the Iron Sea de Keane. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Hamburg Song esta en el disco Under the Iron Sea de Keane.
Si que conocer más de Keane podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Keane, o su discografía.
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