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Letra de Dignity

Letra de la canción Dignity interpreteda por Hilary Duff


Letra de la canción Dignity interpretada por Hilary Duff. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Dignity
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Interprete: Hilary Duff
Disco: Dignity

Letra de la canción:

You got the hottest shoes (You got it)

You got those Jimmy Choo´s (You got it)

You never get the blues

It´s always about you (You got it, you got it)

Make up made

No time to waste

Better check that phone

There´s a club to close


Where´s your, where´s your, where´s your dignity?

I think you lost it in the Hollywood hills

Where´s your, where´s your, where´s your dignity?

Can´t buy respect but you can pick up that bill

Pick it up, pick it up (It´s all you got)

Pick it up, pick it up (Cause money makes your world go round)

Cause money makes your world go round

Always with Mr. Right (Aww)

But then you have a fight (And he´s all)

Run into your friend´s ex

He´s happy to be your next (Your mine, your mine)

Tomorrow´s paper is coming out

So kiss him fast

Watch the cameras flash


Where´s your, where´s your, where´s your dignity?

I think you lost it in the Hollywood hills

Where´s your, where´s your, where´s your dignity?

Can´t buy respect but you can pick up that bill

Pick it up, pick it up (It´s all you got)

Pick it up, pick it up (Cause money makes your world go round)

Money makes your world go round

You´d show up to the opening of an envelope

Why does everybody care about where you go

It´s not news when you got a new bag

It´s not news when somebody slaps you

It´s not news when your lookin your best

Come on come on come on give it a rest

Pick it up

Pick it up (It´s all you got, it´s all you got)

Pick it up, pick it up

Cause money makes your world go round

Where´s your, where´s your, where´s your

Money makes your world go round

Where´s your, where´s your, wheres´ your

Money makes your world go round

Where´s your, where´s your, wheres´ your

Money makes your world go round

Where´s your, where´s your, wheres´ your

Money makes your world go round

Cause money makes your world go round

La canción Dignity esta incluida en el disco Dignity de Hilary Duff. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Dignity esta en el disco Dignity de Hilary Duff.
Si que conocer más de Hilary Duff podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Hilary Duff, o su discografía.
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