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Letra de Stranger

Letra de la canción Stranger interpreteda por Hilary Duff


Letra de la canción Stranger interpretada por Hilary Duff. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Dignity
1446 visitas, 3 votos () y 2 comentario/s

Interprete: Hilary Duff
Disco: Dignity

Letra de la canción:

Nobody believes me when I tell them that your out of your mind

Nobody believes me when I tell them that there´s so much to hide

You treat me like a queen when we go out

Wanna show everyone what our loves about

All wrapped up in me whenever there is a crowd

But when no ones around...


There´s no kindness in your eyes

The way you look at me it´s just not right

And I can tell whats going on this time

Theres a stranger in my life

Your not the person that I once knew

Are you scared to let them know it´s you?

If they could only see you like I do

Then they would see a stranger too

Did I ever do anything that was this cruel to you?

Did I ever make you wonder who was standing in the room?

You made yourself look perfect in every way

So when this goes down I´m the one who will be blamed

Your plan is working so you can just walk away

Baby your secrets safe


There´s no kindness in your eyes

The way you look at me it´s just not right

And I can tell whats going on this time

Theres a stranger in my life

Your not the person that I once knew

Are you scared to let them know its you?

If they could only see you like I do

Then they would see a stranger too

Such a long way back

From this place that we were at

When I think of all the time I´ve wasted I could cry

There´s no kindness in your eyes

The way you look at me it´s just not right

I can tell what´s going on this time

Theres a stranger in my life

Your not the person that I once knew

Are you scared to let them know its you?

If they could only see you like I do

Then they would see a stranger too

There´s no kindness in your eyes

The way you look at me it´s just not right

I can tell what´s going on this time

Theres a stranger in my life

Your not the person that I once knew

Are you scared to let them know its you?

If they could only see you like I do

Then they would see a stranger too

La canción Stranger esta incluida en el disco Dignity de Hilary Duff. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Stranger esta en el disco Dignity de Hilary Duff.
Si que conocer más de Hilary Duff podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Hilary Duff, o su discografía.
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Comentarios sobre Stranger
Comentario de Yanina (27/08/2007 11:53)
Este video esta re bueno
Comentario de Felipe (27/06/2007 12:51)
Hola a todos pra los que no saben Este es su nuevo video STRANGER que esta super bknisimo espero que a todos los que les guste la musica de hilary duff apoyemos este video pra que sea el numero 1 bueno "Ver comentario completo