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Letra de Happy

Letra de la canción Happy interpreteda por Hilary Duff


Letra de la canción Happy interpretada por Hilary Duff. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Dignity
2948 visitas, 1 votos () y 3 comentario/s

Interprete: Hilary Duff
Disco: Dignity

Letra de la canción:

I understand why you´re looking for tears in my eyes, eyes...

And trust me they were there, but now the well has run dry, ah-hay...

I was in so deep I couldn´t get out

I sat on feelings that I buried you down

I knew there´d come a day when our paths would cross

And I´m glad it´s today cause now I am strong


I´m happy and I can thank myself

If it were up to you I´d be in my bed crying

But I´m happy and I know that makes you sad

After all the things you put me through

I´m finally getting over you

I´m happy, I´m happy

There´s a reason why we met, I´m glad that we did, yeah I am

But when we broke up I got back a part of me I really missed

Not saying that you brought me down all the time

There were moments I lived without light on my side


I´m happy and I can thank myself

If it were up to you I´d be in my bed crying

But I´m happy and I know that makes you mad

After all the things you put me through

I´m finally getting over you

All the bitterness has passed

And I only wish you someone who can do what I can´t


I´m happy and I can thank myself

If it were up to you I´d be in my bed crying

But I´m happy and I know that makes you mad

After all the things you put me through

I´m finally getting over you

I´m happy and I can thank myself

If it were up to you I´d be in my bed crying

But I´m happy and I know that makes you sad

After all the things you put me through

I´m finally getting over you

La canción Happy esta incluida en el disco Dignity de Hilary Duff. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Happy esta en el disco Dignity de Hilary Duff.
Si que conocer más de Hilary Duff podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Hilary Duff, o su discografía.
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Comentarios sobre Happy
Comentario de Brijit ligia (04/11/2008 20:23)
Comentario de brijit es una excelente cancion yo no tengo ningun comentario malo de esta canción
Comentario de Ana (11/10/2008 05:57)
Si , esta muy bien la cancion :D:D
Comentario de Andrés (11/06/2007 12:56)
Me parece una canción increible es una de las que más me gusta ya que tiene un ritmo muy original además el contenido de la letra se puede identificar con muchos de nosotros.