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Letra de Judas

Letra de la canción Judas interpreteda por Kelly Clarkson


Letra de la canción Judas interpretada por Kelly Clarkson. Este tema esta incluído en el disco My december
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Interprete: Kelly Clarkson
Disco: My december

Letra de la canción:

The only one who took you in

The only one who held your hand

Defended you against the others

Had your back on everything

Never let you down

You turned around betrayed your only brother

Forgetting me, you took things in your hands and left me out

After we'd been through so much, how could you let me down?

I didn't know, I didn't know

I couldn't see, I couldn't see

Never thought you'd forget meCouldn't believe, couldn't believe

How you deceived, you deceived

I never thought you'd do that to me

I will never be like you

I'll never do the things you do

Selfish and lonely, what's your problem

Letting go of you and this

Is harder than I thought but I will not be poisoned by your actions

Forgetting me, you took things in your hands and left me out

After we'd been through so much, how could you let me down?

I didn't know, I didn't know

I couldn't see, I couldn't see

Never thought you'd forget me

Couldn't believe, couldn't believe

How you deceived, you deceived

I never thought you'd do that to me

Forgetting me, you took things in your hands and left me out

After we'd been through so much, how could you let me down?

Down, you let me down

La canción Judas esta incluida en el disco My december de Kelly Clarkson. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Judas esta en el disco My december de Kelly Clarkson.
Si que conocer más de Kelly Clarkson podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Kelly Clarkson, o su discografía.
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