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Letra de Believe In Me

Letra de la canción Believe In Me interpreteda por Efecto Mariposa

Believe In Me

Letra de la canción Believe In Me interpretada por Efecto Mariposa. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Vivo en vivo
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Interprete: Efecto Mariposa
Disco: Vivo en vivo

Letra de la canción:

It’s hard to think when I can’t see you

It’s hard to hear when it’s no your voice

In my loneliness is for you that I’m crying

In every line of this song

There is no sun output my window

And there is no sound inside of me

I don’t know what are you feeling

If your heart is still beating

If you’re thinking in me

Think off me...

In every place I stay in there

nobody make me feel the way you do

Only you

When you are near, here close to me

My life becomes eternity

What can I do to make it trhought?

How could I be with you?

Believe in me

There’s a moment when the distance

Gives you far away from me

In the distance there’s a moment

just for us where we can be

Every single night and day I call your name

But you’re not there to be with me

Believe in me

It’s hard to dream when is not with you

I only want to see you again

And tell you my feelings

If you are what I’m missing

If you want I’ll be there

I’ll be there

In every place I stay

nobody make me feel the way you do

Only you

When you are near, here close to me

My life becomes eternity

What can I do to make it trhought?

How could I be with you?

Believe in me

There’s a moment when the distance

Gives you far away from me

In the distance there’s a moment

just for us where we can be

Every single night and day I call your name

But you’re not there to be with me

Believe in me

Many times I feel so lonely

Many times I feel so lost

Only memories of us together make me carry on

Every single night and day I call your name

But you’re not there to be with me

Believe in me

If I only had an answer

If I only had a sign

Would do anything to be there by your side

Believe in me

There’s a moment when the distance

Gives you far away from me

In the distance there’s a moment

just for us where we can be

Every single night and day I call your name

But you’re not there to be with me

Believe in me

Many times I feel so lonely

Many times I feel so lost

Only memories of us together make me carry on

Every single night and day I call your name

But you’re not there to be with me

Believe in me

La canción Believe In Me esta incluida en el disco Vivo en vivo de Efecto Mariposa. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Believe In Me esta en el disco Vivo en vivo de Efecto Mariposa.
Si que conocer más de Efecto Mariposa podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Efecto Mariposa, o su discografía.
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