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Letra de Helmet in the bush

Letra de la canción Helmet in the bush interpreteda por Korn

Helmet in the bush

Letra de la canción Helmet in the bush interpretada por Korn. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Korn
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Interprete: Korn
Disco: Korn

Letra de la canción:

´ello, esta Caco

et eres Caco

Well, you know , you fuck´n call me the Caco, okay?

I keep asking, what´s your lie?

It is disturbing

This isn´t mine


Days keep passing

A lot of time


I don´t feel right

Please God let me sleep tonight

Everyday confronted circumvents giving in

I just wanna know why!

Don´t give it up

Don´t hit my stick

I keep asking

Well, again, please try

It is haunting

This takes my mind


Days keep passing

Line after line


I don´t feel right

Please God let me sleep tonight,

die tonight, die tonight, die tonight

Please God help me

Please God help me

Please God help me from my painful situation

Please God don´t let me slip in tonight, please God

Oh, please God don´t let me chip in tonight, please God

Oh, please GOd don´t let me slip in tonight, don´t let me die

Please God don´t let me give in tonight, don´t let me die

La canción Helmet in the bush esta incluida en el disco Korn de Korn. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Helmet in the bush esta en el disco Korn de Korn.
Si que conocer más de Korn podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Korn, o su discografía.
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