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Letra de Halo

Letra de la canción Halo interpreteda por Foo Fighters


Letra de la canción Halo interpretada por Foo Fighters. Este tema esta incluído en el disco One By One
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Interprete: Foo Fighters
Disco: One By One

Letra de la canción:

Good and bad, I swear I’ve had the both they’re overrated

But isn’t it fun, when you get hold of one

Some go bad and some come back, the good ones all get taken

I’m calling a bluff, you ain’t strong enough

Wait and pray you'll pick on me,

The day I raise my hand

Guess that I’ve been blessed, but I’ll be damned



God only knows

Right behind the everywhere I go) x2

Say your prayers when you get scared, pray you’re gonna make it

and then we’re done, you keep fucking up

One day soon I’ll disappear and if you’ll come I’ll take you

Somewhere go, to keep from growing old

Wait and pray you'll pick on me,

The day I raise my hand

Guess that I’ve been blessed, but I’ll be damned


Disappear the light is fading

Disappear outside their rage

Disappear I’m tired of waiting

Disappear before we fade away


La canción Halo esta incluida en el disco One By One de Foo Fighters. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Halo esta en el disco One By One de Foo Fighters.
Si que conocer más de Foo Fighters podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Foo Fighters, o su discografía.
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