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Letra de Unmistakable

Letra de la canción Unmistakable interpreteda por Backstreet Boys


Letra de la canción Unmistakable interpretada por Backstreet Boys. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Unbreakable
5835 visitas, 17 votos () y 4 comentario/s

Interprete: Backstreet Boys
Disco: Unbreakable

Letra de la canción:

Anytime, anywhere, any place

You could be anyone today

Maybe I'll recognize you on a crowded street

Maybe you'll take me by surprise

Will you be the one I had in mind?


There'll come a day

When you'll walk out of my dreams

Face to face

Like I'm imagining

Baby how can I be sure

That you're the one I'm waiting for

Will you be Unmistakable?

People say watch your live through a glass

Desperately waiting on a chance

I know you're out there

Holding on

Holding out for me

Are we gonna know the time is right

What if you're here and I'm just blind


There'll come a day

When you'll walk out of my dreams

Face to face

Like I'm imagining

Baby how can I be sure

That you're the one I'm waiting for

Will you be Unmistakable?

How can I know a song I never heard

How will I know your voice when you haven't said a word

How do I know how this will end

Before we began (before we began)


There'll come a day

When you'll walk out of my dreams

Face to face

Like I'm imagining

Baby how can I be sure

That you're the one I'm waiting for

Will you be Unmistakable?

La canción Unmistakable esta incluida en el disco Unbreakable de Backstreet Boys. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Unmistakable esta en el disco Unbreakable de Backstreet Boys.
Si que conocer más de Backstreet Boys podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Backstreet Boys, o su discografía.
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Comentarios sobre Unmistakable
Comentario de Jennifer urrutia (12/03/2009 23:52)
Hermosa como todas las canciones de mis niños
Comentario de Nahimdd (30/01/2009 18:33) una canción llena de mucho sentimiento y grandiosa!!
Comentario de Princess (13/03/2008 05:49)
Es una hermosa cancion, esta entre mis favoritas de este disco.
Comentario de Kari (14/12/2007 01:25)
Hermosa canción