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Letra de Heaven on earth

Letra de la canción Heaven on earth interpreteda por Britney Spears

Heaven on earth

Letra de la canción Heaven on earth interpretada por Britney Spears. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Blackout
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Interprete: Britney Spears
Disco: Blackout

Letra de la canción:

Your touch

Your taste

Your breath

Your face

Your hands

Your head

You're sweet

Your love

Your teeth

Your tongue

Your eye

Your mind

Your lips

You're fine

You're heaven on earth

I've waited all my life for you

My favourite kiss

Your perfect skin

Your perfect smile

Waking up and you're next to me

Wrap me up in your arms and back to sleep

(Babe, in your head and drift away)

The greatest thing I've ever seen

The colour of your eyes

You've taken me so far away

One look and you stop time

(Dream of you and I almost have you)

The greatest thing I've ever seen

The colour of your eyes

You've taken me so far away

One look and you stop

Fell in love with you and

Everything that you are

Nothing I can do I'm really

Crazy about you

When you're next to me

It's just like heaven on earth

You're heaven

You're heaven on earth

Tell me that I'll always be the one that you want

Don't know what I'd do if I ever lose you

Look at you and what I see is heaven on earth

I'm in love with you

Your breath

Your face

Your hands

Your head

You're sweet

Your love

Your tongue

I'd move across the world for you

Just let me in

Just tell me where

I'll come to you

Take me back to that place in time

Images of you open my mind

(Love that I feel you here with me)

The greatest thing I've ever seen

The colour of your eyes

You've taken me so far away

One look and you stop time

(Dream of you and you're almost next to me)

The greatest thing I've ever seen

The colour of your eyes

You've taken me so far away

One look and you stop

Fell in love with you and

Everything that you are

Nothing I can do I'm really

Crazy about you

When you're next to me

It's just like heaven on earth

You're heaven

You're heaven on earth

Tell me that I'll always be the one that you want

Don't know what I'd do if I ever lose you

Look at you and what I see is heaven on earth

I'm in love with you

I'm in love with you

I said I'm so in love

I said I'm so in love

So in love

Fall off the edge of my mind

I fall off the edge of my mind

For you

I fall off the edge of my mind

(The greatest thing I've ever seen, the colour of your eyes)

I fall off the edge of my mind for you

(Taken me so far)

Fell in love with you and

Everything that you are

Nothing I can do I'm really

Crazy about you

When you're next to me

It's just like heaven on earth

(So in love)

You're heaven

You're heaven on earth

Tell me that I'll always be the one that you want

Don't know what I'd do if I ever lose you

Look at you and what I see is heaven on earth

I'm in love with you

I'm so in love

I'm so in love

I fall off the edge of my mind

(I'm so in love)

When I just look at you

I feel like I'm gonna jump into heaven

(So in love)

And you'll catch me

Catch me if I jump

Will you catch me?

La canción Heaven on earth esta incluida en el disco Blackout de Britney Spears. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Heaven on earth esta en el disco Blackout de Britney Spears.
Si que conocer más de Britney Spears podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Britney Spears, o su discografía.
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Comentarios sobre Heaven on earth
Comentario de Jennifer (26/01/2009 00:27)
Adoro esta cancion me ase pensar al niñoo ke me gusta
Comentario de Naty (27/12/2007 21:34)
Esta cancion es lo mejor amo a britney es lo mejor!! y tambien su nuevo CD "Blackout" te amo Brit!