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Letra de Hongkongaton

Letra de la canción Hongkongaton interpreteda por Gorillaz


Letra de la canción Hongkongaton interpretada por Gorillaz. Este tema esta incluído en el disco D-Sides
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Interprete: Gorillaz
Disco: D-Sides

Letra de la canción:

(Dirty sounding slurping, and lip smacking noises)

Just falling out, not making much of anything at all but

All you could hide from what's there, in the past of it

Just falling out, not making much of anything at all but-

All you could hide from what's there, in the past of it

Just falling out

All you can't hide

All you can't hide

Just falling out

All you can't hide


All you can't hide

Just falling out

(Not making much of anything at all but)

All you can't hide

(From what's there in the past of it)

Just falling out

(Not making much of anything at all but)

All you can't hide

(From what's there in the past of it)

Just falling out

(Not making much of anything at all but)

All you can't hide

(From what's there in the past of it)

(Not making much of anything at all but)

All you can't hide

(From what's there in the past of it)

All you can't hide

La canción Hongkongaton esta incluida en el disco D-Sides de Gorillaz. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Hongkongaton esta en el disco D-Sides de Gorillaz.
Si que conocer más de Gorillaz podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Gorillaz, o su discografía.
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