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Letra de Remember That

Letra de la canción Remember That interpreteda por Jessica Simpson

Remember That

Letra de la canción Remember That interpretada por Jessica Simpson. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Do you know?
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Interprete: Jessica Simpson
Disco: Do you know?

Letra de la canción:

Remember how he told you you were stupid

how he couldn't even look at you anymore

remember how he told you you were crazy

how he got out of the car and slammed the door

he said you cant do anything right

why you gotta make me so mad

just get outta my sight

remember that


when its 3 am and he's at your door

and he wants you back

and he's begging for forgivness

remember that

when your phone keeps ringing all night long

and that same old weakness gets so strong that you're helpless

remember that

remember how he pushed you in the hallway

just enough to hurt a little bit

remember the whiskey in his whispers

and the lies that fell so easy from his lips

he said he'll never do it again

you can't take it back

the proof is on your skin

remember that


when its 3am and he's at your door

and he wants you back

and he's begging for forgivness

remember that

when your phone keeps ringing all night long

and that same old weakness gets so strong that you're helpless

remember that

it doesn't matter how he hurts

you with his hands or with his words

you don't deserve it

it ain't worth it

take your heart and run


when its 3am and he's at your door

and he wants you back

and he's begging for forgivness

remember that

when your phone keeps ringing all night long

and that same old weakness gets so strong that you're helpless remember that

remember that

oh remember that

remember you're gonna be all right take it from me i've stood there in your shoes

La canción Remember That esta incluida en el disco Do you know? de Jessica Simpson. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Remember That esta en el disco Do you know? de Jessica Simpson.
Si que conocer más de Jessica Simpson podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Jessica Simpson, o su discografía.
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