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Letra de Ain't Got Nothin'

Letra de la canción Ain't Got Nothin' interpreteda por Oasis

Ain't Got Nothin'

Letra de la canción Ain't Got Nothin' interpretada por Oasis. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Dig out your soul
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Interprete: Oasis
Disco: Dig out your soul

Letra de la canción:

They got nothing on me anymore, they got nothing on you

I don't care what they say anymore, all I want is the truth

I don't feel

to unveil,

in my soul,

singled out

They got nothing on me anymore, they got nothing on you

I don't care what they say anymore, all I want is the truth

I don't feel

to unveil,

hear my sound,

singled out

watch my style,

pick a place,

what a smile

from your face

I don't feel

to unveil,

in my soul,

singled out

watch my style,

pick a place,

what a smile

from your face

Hey-e- Yeah-e-ey!

They got nothing on me anymore, they got nothing on you

I don't care what they say anymore, all I want is the truth

La canción Ain't Got Nothin' esta incluida en el disco Dig out your soul de Oasis. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Ain't Got Nothin' esta en el disco Dig out your soul de Oasis.
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