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Letra de One Toy Soldier

Letra de la canción One Toy Soldier interpreteda por Enya

One Toy Soldier

Letra de la canción One Toy Soldier interpretada por Enya. Este tema esta incluído en el disco And winter came
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Interprete: Enya
Disco: And winter came

Letra de la canción:

One toy soldier stands alone

With his drum down by his side

One toy soldier on his own

With his drum to keep the time

He keeps the beet of marching feet

He keeps the beat so true

He's one small toy for one small boy

But his heart is oh so blue

Who can mend my broken drum

Will it be as good as new

I must play when morning comes

I don't, what shall I do?

He keeps the beat of marching feet

He keeps the beat inside

While children sleep, he dreams so deep

There's a secret he must hide

For he keeps the beat of marching feet

He keeps the beat so true

He wants to sing and hopes to bring

Happy christmas day to you

Da, Da, Da...

He keeps the beat of marching feet

He keeps the beat inside

Someone has come to mend his drum

Now his heart lights up with pride

So he keeps the beat of marching feet

He keeps the beat so true

When morning comes, he plays his drum

Happy Christmas Day to you!

Happy Christmas Day to you!

Happy Christmas Day to you!

Happy Christmas Day to you!

La canción One Toy Soldier esta incluida en el disco And winter came de Enya. Información y letras del disco.
La canción One Toy Soldier esta en el disco And winter came de Enya.
Si que conocer más de Enya podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Enya, o su discografía.
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