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Letra de Halo

Letra de la canción Halo interpreteda por Beyoncé


Letra de la canción Halo interpretada por Beyoncé. Este tema esta incluído en el disco I am... Sasha Fierce
272433 visitas, 128 votos () y 43 comentario/s

Interprete: Beyoncé
Disco: I am... Sasha Fierce

Letra de la canción:

Remember those walls I built?

Well, baby they are tumbling down

And they didn't even put up a fight

They didn't even make a sound

I found a way to let you in

But, I never really had a doubt

Standing in the light of your halo

I got my angel now

It's like I've been awakened

Every rule I had, you break it

It's the risk that I'm taking

I ain't never gonna shut you out!

Everywhere I'm looking now

I'm surrounded by your embrace

Baby, I can see your halo

You know you're my saving grace

You're everything I need and more

It's written all over your face

Baby, I can feel your halo

Pray it won't fade away

I can feel your halo

I can see your halo

I can feel your halo

I can see your halo

Halo, ooh ooh.....

Hit me like a ray of sun

Burning through my darkest night

You're the only one that I want

Think I'm addicted to your light

I swore I'd never fall again

But this don't even feel like falling

Gravity can't forget

To pull me back to the ground again

It's like I've been awakened

Every rule I had, you break it

It's the risk that I'm taking

I'm never gonna shut you out!

Everywhere I'm looking now

I'm surrounded by your embrace

Baby, I can see your halo

You know you're my saving grace

You're everything I need and more

It's written all over your face

Baby, I can feel your halo

I pray it won't fade away

I can feel your halo

I can see your halo

I can feel your halo

I can see your halo

Halo, ooh ooh.....

I can feel your halo

I can see your halo

I can feel your halo

I can see your halo

Halo, ooh ooh.....

Halo, ooh ooh.....

Halo, ooh ooh, ooooh........

Everywhere I'm looking now

I'm surrounded by your embrace

Baby, I can see your halo

You know you're my saving grace

You're everything I need and more

It's written all over your face

Baby, I can feel your halo

I pray it won't fade away

I can feel your halo

I can see your halo

I can feel your halo

I can see your halo

Halo, ooh oooh.......

I can feel your halo

I can see your halo

I can feel your halo

I can see your halo

Halo, ooh oooh.......

La canción Halo esta incluida en el disco I am... Sasha Fierce de Beyoncé. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Halo esta en el disco I am... Sasha Fierce de Beyoncé.
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Ver los 43 comentarios
Comentario de Nep (01/03/2011 20:04)
Gracias....... estaba buscando la letra hasta q la conseguí un besote :)
Comentario de Nermal (06/12/2010 15:40)
Esta cancion me da sueño, pero en el mejor de los sentidos es lindisima
Comentario de Deutch banhausen (28/05/2010 16:52)
It's the best song thet i've heard in my life, 'cause is so beatiful and so romantic!!!!!!!!!!
Comentario de Miriam (27/05/2010 12:55)
Que significa la canción?
Comentario de Guadalupe (04/04/2010 15:30)
Pues eres la mejor beyonce esta cancion que sacaste me gusta mucho no te imaginas cuanto me late sigue asi de chida!!!!!!