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Letra de Come back

Letra de la canción Come back interpreteda por Depeche Mode

Come back

Letra de la canción Come back interpretada por Depeche Mode. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Sounds of the Universe
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Interprete: Depeche Mode
Disco: Sounds of the Universe

Letra de la canción:

(Dave) Come back... "that's it, yeah?"

(Martin) "Yeah"

(Fletch) "Aright then..."

(Dave) "Wanna give it a whirl... ?"

(Music starts...)

You come back,

& come back to me.

I'll be waiting patiently.

Come back, come back to me.

I'll be waiting here, patiently.

Walking a thin white line,

Between love and hate.

Wastin all of my time,

I'm in another world,

I'm in another place.

I could use a little company,

A little kindness can go a long way.

Weeks turn into months,

Months turn into years.

Reaching the same conclusions,

Gathering up the fear.

Come back,

& come back to me.

I'll be waiting patiently.

Come back,

& come back to me.

I'll be waiting here, patiently.

A light will always shine,

In the heart of you.

In truth and in reality,

Only blindness can hide it away.

I could use a little restraint,

A little kindness can go along way.

Weeks turn into months,

Months turn into years.

Reaching the same conclusions,

We're gathering up the fear.

We're living the same delusion,

We're gathering up the fear.

We're gathering up the fear.

Gathering up the fear.

We're gathering up the fear.

We come back.

We come back.

Come back.

We come back.

We come back.

La canción Come back esta incluida en el disco Sounds of the Universe de Depeche Mode. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Come back esta en el disco Sounds of the Universe de Depeche Mode.
Si que conocer más de Depeche Mode podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Depeche Mode, o su discografía.
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