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Letra de East Jesus Nowhere

Letra de la canción East Jesus Nowhere interpreteda por Green Day

East Jesus Nowhere

Letra de la canción East Jesus Nowhere interpretada por Green Day. Este tema esta incluído en el disco 21st Century Breakdown
23020 visitas, 26 votos () y 5 comentario/s

Interprete: Green Day
Disco: 21st Century Breakdown

Letra de la canción:

Raise your hands now to testify

Your confession will be crucified

You're a sacrificial suicide

Like a dog that's been sodomized

Stand up! - All the white boys

Sit down! - All the black girls

You're the soldiers of the new world

Put your faith in a miracle

And it's non - denominational

Join the choir we will be singing

In the church of wishful thinking

A fire burns today

Of blasphemy and genocide

The sirens of decay

Will infiltrate the faith fanatics

Oh bless me lord for I have sinned

It's been a lifetime since I last confessed

I threw my crutches in "The river of a shadow of doubt"

And I'll be dressed in my Sunday best

Say a prayer for the family

Drop a coin for humanity

Ain't this uniform so flattering?

I never asked you a God damned thing

A fire burns today

Of blasphemy and genocide

The sirens of decay

Will infiltrate the faith fanatics

Don't test me

Second guess me

Protest me

You will disappear

I want to know who's allowed to breed

All the dogs who never learned to read

Missionary politicians

And the cops of a new religion

A fire burns today

Of blasphemy and genocide

The sirens of decay

Will infiltrate the inside

La canción East Jesus Nowhere esta incluida en el disco 21st Century Breakdown de Green Day. Información y letras del disco.
La canción East Jesus Nowhere esta en el disco 21st Century Breakdown de Green Day.
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Comentarios sobre East Jesus Nowhere
Comentario de Mvf (13/07/2010 11:10)
Uno d los mejores temas q he visto jamas... es mi cancion favorita ,,,pro con diferencia
Comentario de Juans =P (04/04/2010 20:01)
Mi favorite song ^^
Comentario de Pepepateatraseros (12/03/2010 16:54)
Muy buena
Comentario de Amparo (01/10/2009 17:12)
Este tema es mi canciòn favorita de greenday!!!tambièn la tocaron en los 'mtv video music awards'!!!
Comentario de Al3 t3 @m0 (26/09/2009 16:41)
Este es uno de los mejores temas del disco!! Se lo dedico al amor de mi vida Ale, que me cambió la vida (L) Te Amo Morocho... Stefani