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Letra de Horseshoes And Handgrenades

Letra de la canción Horseshoes And Handgrenades interpreteda por Green Day

Horseshoes And Handgrenades

Letra de la canción Horseshoes And Handgrenades interpretada por Green Day. Este tema esta incluído en el disco 21st Century Breakdown
11812 visitas, 4 votos () y 3 comentario/s

Interprete: Green Day
Disco: 21st Century Breakdown

Letra de la canción:

I'm not fucking around

I think I'm coming out

All the deceivers and cheaters

I've think we've got a bleeder right now

Want you to slap me around

Want you to knock me out

Well,you missed me kissed me

Now you better kick me down

Maybe you're the runner up

But the first one to lose the race

Almost only really counts in

Horseshoes and hand grenades

I'm gonna burn it all down

I'm gonna rip it out

Well,everything that you employ

Was meant for me to destroy

To the ground now

So don't you fuck me around

Because I'll shoot you down

I'm gonna drink,fight and fuck

And pushing my luck

All the time now

Maybe you're the runner up

But the first one to lose the race

Almost only really counts in

Horseshoes and hand grenades


What to annihilate

The age-old contradiction


What to annihilate

The old age

I'm not fucking around

I think I'm coming out

All the deceivers and cheaters

I've think we've got a bleeder right now

I'm not fucking around


La canción Horseshoes And Handgrenades esta incluida en el disco 21st Century Breakdown de Green Day. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Horseshoes And Handgrenades esta en el disco 21st Century Breakdown de Green Day.
Si que conocer más de Green Day podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Green Day, o su discografía.
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Comentarios sobre Horseshoes And Handgrenades
Comentario de Fus-wekboss (13/12/2009 11:52)
Cuando dice "i'm not fucking around", no significa "no estoi foll... por todos lados". significa "no estoi jod... ". que nadie piense mal... xDD
Comentario de Kristina (20/08/2009 23:01)
Ahi Dios amo esta cancion esta super no me aparece en español :s tambien del disco me encantan last night on earth y last of the american girls
Comentario de Migue182 (20/06/2009 20:14)
Severa cancion, esa guitarra, las recomiendo.