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Letra de Angels Cry

Letra de la canción Angels Cry interpreteda por Mariah Carey

Angels Cry

Letra de la canción Angels Cry interpretada por Mariah Carey. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Memoirs of an Imperfect Angel
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Interprete: Mariah Carey
Disco: Memoirs of an Imperfect Angel

Letra de la canción:

Eh! I shouldn't have walked away.

I would have stayed, if you’d say.

We could've made everything okay,

but we just

threw the blame back and forth.

We treated love like a sport.

The final blow hit so low I'm still on the ground.

I could have prepared myself for this blow.

Shattered and pieces curled on the floor.

Supernatural, love conquers all.

Remember we used to touch the sky?


And lightning don't strike

the same place twice.

When you and I

Said goodbye

I felt the angels cry.

True love’s a gift.

But we let it drift

in the storm.

Every night,

I feel the angels cry.

Come on babe. Can our love be revived?

Bring it back and we gon' make it right.

I'm on the edge just trying to survive.

As the angels cry.

Limitless omnipresent kind of love

couldn’t have guessed. It would just stop

and disappear, in a world when

here I am

walking on this narrow road.

Wobbling but won't let go.

Waiting for a glimpse of the suns glow.

I know I can stand just pull me back up.

Like there ain’t a hurricane it’s just us.

I'm willing to live and die for our love.

Baby we can get back that shine.

(Repeat Chorus)

Baby I miss you.

Don't know. . .

La canción Angels Cry esta incluida en el disco Memoirs of an Imperfect Angel de Mariah Carey. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Angels Cry esta en el disco Memoirs of an Imperfect Angel de Mariah Carey.
Si que conocer más de Mariah Carey podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Mariah Carey, o su discografía.
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