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Letra de Music Box - Caja de música

Letra de la canción Music Box - Caja de música interpreteda por Mariah Carey

Music Box - Caja de música

Letra de la canción Music Box - Caja de música interpretada por Mariah Carey. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Music Box
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Interprete: Mariah Carey
Disco: Music Box

Letra de la canción:

When I'm lost

You shine a light for me and set me free

When I am low

You wash away my tears

And take me through

The loneliness

The emptiness

Through the darkest nights

Somehow I survive

Through it all

When you tell me I'm the only one you need

Sweet and tenderly

And your love

Breaks away the clouds surrounding me

All I have I want to give to thee

If I should fall

Your love is strong enough to lift me up

If I'm afraid

You chase away my fears

And take me to

A brighter place

Beyond the rain

And I feel alright

Because you're by my side

Through it all

When you tell me I'm the only one you need

Sweet and tenderly

And your love

Breaks away the clouds surrounding me

All I have I want to give to thee

You take me through

The loneliness and the emptiness

And I feel alright

'Cause you're by my side

When you tell me I'm the only one you need

Sweet and tenderly

And your love

Breaks away the clouds surrounding me

All I have I want to give to thee

Want to give you all of my love

Now and forever my love

All I have I want to give to thee

La canción Music Box - Caja de música esta incluida en el disco Music Box de Mariah Carey. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Music Box - Caja de música esta en el disco Music Box de Mariah Carey.
Si que conocer más de Mariah Carey podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Mariah Carey, o su discografía.
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