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Letra de Laura

Letra de la canción Laura interpreteda por Scissor Sisters


Letra de la canción Laura interpretada por Scissor Sisters. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Scissor Sisters
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Interprete: Scissor Sisters
Disco: Scissor Sisters

Letra de la canción:

Laura, can't you give me some time,

I got to give myself one more chance.

To be the man that I know I am.

To be the man that I know I am.

Won't you just tell Cincinnati,

I'm Gonna need your love.

Don't you give me your love?

Don't you give me your,



Where is your love?

Don't you give me your love,

Don't you give me your,



Where is your love?

Don't you give me your love?

Don't you give me your.


Freeda, cant you spare me a dime?

I got to give myself one more chance.

To ring the band that I know I'm in.

To ring the band that I know I'm in.

Won't you just tell Baby Daddy,

I'm gonna need his love.

Why don't you give me his love?

Why don't you give me his,



Where is your love?

Don't you give me your love,

Don't you give me your,



Where is your love?

Don't you give me your love.

Don't you give me your.

This'll be the last time,

I ever do your hair.

One face among the many,

I never thought you cared.

This'll be the last time,

I ever do your hair.

One face among the many,

I never thought you cared

La canción Laura esta incluida en el disco Scissor Sisters de Scissor Sisters. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Laura esta en el disco Scissor Sisters de Scissor Sisters.
Si que conocer más de Scissor Sisters podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Scissor Sisters, o su discografía.
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