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Letra de Night Work

Letra de la canción Night Work interpreteda por Scissor Sisters

Night Work

Letra de la canción Night Work interpretada por Scissor Sisters. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Night Work
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Interprete: Scissor Sisters
Disco: Night Work

Letra de la canción:

When I was a young boy I pretended I had a job

My daddy said 'Pretty woman, Mama married into the mob'

I dreamed one day I'd be livin' off the system for free

But dreams come true, honey; welcome to my reality

And I sleep all day and wake myself in the shadows

(Time to get up, gotta get up)

Gotta catch that train by midnight for the

Night work

Gotta do the night work

Punch that clock and break all the numbers

Night work

Gotta do the night work

Weekday 9 to 5 shift is over

I didn't have a penny

No, I couldn't cut a check with a blade

I used to have the shakes

But now they're good at getting me played

I sleep all day but I break my back in the moonlight

(never enough, it's never enough)

Gotta cash that check by midnight for the

Night work

Gotta do the night work

Punch that clock and break all the numbers

Night work

Gotta do the night work

Weekday 9 to 5 shift is over

Night work

Gotta do the night work

Punch that clock and break all the numbers

Night work

Gotta do the night work

Weekday 9 to 5 shift is over

And when the whistle blows

And your body can't take it no more

You gotta keep on movin', remember

This is what you asked for

Na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-night work

Na-na-na-na-na-na-night work

Night work

Gotta do the night work

Night work gotta do the night work

Weekday 9 to 5 shift is over

La canción Night Work esta incluida en el disco Night Work de Scissor Sisters. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Night Work esta en el disco Night Work de Scissor Sisters.
Si que conocer más de Scissor Sisters podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Scissor Sisters, o su discografía.
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