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Letra de Pop A Pill

Letra de la canción Pop A Pill interpreteda por Korn

Pop A Pill

Letra de la canción Pop A Pill interpretada por Korn. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Korn III - Remember Who You Are
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Interprete: Korn
Disco: Korn III - Remember Who You Are

Letra de la canción:

Well look at this

I see clearly now

Look at this

I can feel it now


Is seldom found

Pop a pill

I’m so damn happy now

Feeling things crawl on me

I need my fix today

This is way beyond me

I can’t live without you today

Well look at this

I see colors now

Look at this

I’m butt ugly now


Is seldom found

Pop my pill

I’m so damn happy now

Feeling things crawl on me

I need my fix today

This is way beyond me

I can’t live without you today

You today, you today

I don't care about anything around me

Even all the love that surrounds me

Beat me

Eat me

I don't care about anything

I do this to shut out the voice

within, within, within

I don't care about anything

Feeling things crawl on me

I need my fix today

This is way beyond me

I can't live without you today

You today, you today, you today

Feeling things crawl on me

I need my fix today

This is way beyond me

I can't live without you today

La canción Pop A Pill esta incluida en el disco Korn III - Remember Who You Are de Korn. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Pop A Pill esta en el disco Korn III - Remember Who You Are de Korn.
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