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Letra de Stay the night

Letra de la canción Stay the night interpreteda por James Blunt

Stay the night

Letra de la canción Stay the night interpretada por James Blunt. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Some kind of trouble
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Interprete: James Blunt
Disco: Some kind of trouble

Letra de la canción:

It’s 72 degrees, zero chance of rain

It’s been a perfect day

We’re all spinning on our heels,

so far away from real In California

We watched the sunset from our car, we all took it in

And by the time that it was dark,

you and me had something, yeah!

And if this is what we’ve got, then what we’ve got is gold

We’re shining bright and I want you, I want you to know

The morning’s on it’s way, our friends all say goodbye

There’s nowhere else to go, I hope that you’ll stay the night

We’ve been singing Billie Jean

Mixin’ vodka with caffeine

We’ve got strangers stopping by

Girl you blow my mind, you do

And I’ll say I don’t wanna say good night

There’s no quiet corner to get to know each other

And there’s no hurry I’m a patient man

Is your discover

Cause if this is what we’ve got, then what we’ve got is gold

We’re shining bright and I want you, I want you to know

The morning’s on it’s way, our friends all say goodbye

There’s nowhere else to go, I hope that you’ll stay the night

Just like the song on our radio set

We’ll share the shelter of my single bed

But it’s a different tune that’s stuck in my head

And it goes…

If this is what we’ve got, then what we’ve got is gold

We’re shining bright and I want you, I want you to know

The morning’s on it’s way, our friends all say goodbye

There’s nowhere else to go, I hope that you’ll stay the night

La canción Stay the night esta incluida en el disco Some kind of trouble de James Blunt. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Stay the night esta en el disco Some kind of trouble de James Blunt.
Si que conocer más de James Blunt podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por James Blunt, o su discografía.
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