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Letra de Inside Out

Letra de la canción Inside Out interpreteda por Britney Spears

Inside Out

Letra de la canción Inside Out interpretada por Britney Spears. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Femme Fatale
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Interprete: Britney Spears
Disco: Femme Fatale

Letra de la canción:

Said you're gonna be here in a minute

Sitting in the mirror, getting pretty

Gotta look my best if we gonna break up

Gotta look my best if we gonna break up

I can hear you knocking at the front door

And I know exactly what you came for

Trying to say goodbye but it's hot and heavy

Trying to say goodbye but it's hot and heavy


Touch me and its breaking me down,

and me down, and me down, and me down

I'm telling you, let's just give it up and get down,

and get down, and get down

So come on,

Won't you give me something to remember?

Baby, shut your mouth and turn me inside out

Even though we couldn't last forever

Baby, you know what I want right now

Hit me one more time, it's so amazing

How you shook my world and flipped it upside down

You're the only one who ever drove me crazy

Cause you know me inside out

Inside out

I know that we probably shouldn't do this

Wake up in the morning feeling stupid

Said that we were done but you're all up on me

Said that we were done but you're all up on me

Tell me how we got in this position

Guess I gotta get you out my system

Trying to let you go but it's not that easy

Trying to let you go but it's not that easy


Touch me and its breaking me down,

and me down, and me down, and me down

I'm telling you, let's just give it up and get down,

and get down, and get down

So come on,

Won't you give me something to remember?

Baby, shut your mouth and turn me inside out

Even though we couldn't last forever

Baby, you know what I want right now

Hit me one more time, it's so amazing

How you shook my world and flipped it upside down

You're the only one who ever drove me crazy

Cause you know me inside out

Inside out

Inside out

So come on,

Won't you give me something to remember?

Baby, shut your mouth and turn me inside out

Even though we couldn't last forever

Baby, you know what I want right now

Hit me one more time, it's so amazing

How you shook my world and flipped it upside down

You're the only one who ever drove me crazy

Cause you know me inside out

La canción Inside Out esta incluida en el disco Femme Fatale de Britney Spears. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Inside Out esta en el disco Femme Fatale de Britney Spears.
Si que conocer más de Britney Spears podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Britney Spears, o su discografía.
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