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Letra de Loser Of the Year

Letra de la canción Loser Of the Year interpreteda por Simple Plan

Loser Of the Year

Letra de la canción Loser Of the Year interpretada por Simple Plan. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Get your heart on
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Interprete: Simple Plan
Disco: Get your heart on

Letra de la canción:

There's a lot of talk about me

People lining up to meet me

I'm on the verge of celebrity

So what you think about that

I've got friends in hot places

Louis Vuitton siutcases

Look at all the pretty faces

So what you think about that

So why do I feel like it's all just a show

You make me want to shut it all down

Blow it away

Cause I'm nothing if I don't have you

What's the point in being on top

All the money in the world

If I can't blow it all on you

So send the cars back

Put the house on the market

And my big dreams too

Cause it's all so clear

That without you here

I'm the loser of the year

I'm not a party in a mansion

There's a lot of high fashion

And I'm cooler that I've ever been

So what you think about that

I'm living life in the fast lane

I've got a fridge full of champagne

And I'm hanginng out with little Wane

So what you think about that

So why do I feel like it's all just a show

You make me want to shut it all down

Blow it away

Cause I'm nothing if I don't have you

What's the point in beinng on top

All the money in the world

If I can't blow it all on you

So send the cars back

Put the house on the market

And my big dreams too

Cause it's all so clear

That without you here

I'm the loser of the year

(loser, loser)

I'm the loser of the year

(loser, loser)

I can try real hard

I can try to pretend

But all these dreams make any sense

without you

But that just ain't you

I thought these things will make me forget

about you and me

But you're stuck in my head

I'm a loser if i lose her

You make me want to shut it all down

Blow it away

Cause I'm nothing if I don't have you

What's the point in being on top

All the money in the world

If I can't blow it all on you

You make me want to shut it all down

Blow it away

If i don't have you

So send the cars back

Put the house on the market

And my big dreams too

Cause it's all so clear

That I need you near

Yeah it's all so clear

That without you here

I'm the loser of the year

loser of the year

I'm the loser of the year

loser of the year

La canción Loser Of the Year esta incluida en el disco Get your heart on de Simple Plan. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Loser Of the Year esta en el disco Get your heart on de Simple Plan.
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