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Letra de I Can't Believe

Letra de la canción I Can't Believe interpreteda por Gloria Estefan

I Can't Believe

Letra de la canción I Can't Believe interpretada por Gloria Estefan. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Miss Little Havana
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Interprete: Gloria Estefan
Disco: Miss Little Havana

Letra de la canción:

I would never dream when I go out

(when I go out)

That I'd bump in to you

Dancin' on the floor

(dance on the floor)

I'd bet all my money

There is no doubt

(there is no doubt)

I'm glad I didn't bet cause I'd be broke

Yesterday's gone long gone

We could go thru it

But that won't be right

Let's just move on

Til the morn

Cause there's magic in this building tonight

I can't believe

That it ended up being you and I

I can't believe that this night has just begun

Mi amor

Life is really something else, right

Well I believe

That now it's time for fun

Celebrate with me

Feista baby

Celebrate with me

Feista baby

Sere yo o sera la espera

Warm Miami night 75 the breeze just blows

(The breeze just blows)

Maybe it's the cow bells or the shakers

(The shakers)

Or simply just the combo I don't know

Here we go back again with another opportunity

Yesterday's gone long gone

We could go thru it

But that won't be right

Let's just move on

Til the morn

Cause there's magic in this building tonight

I can't believe

That it ended up being you and I

I can't believe that this night has just begun

Mi amor

Life is really something else, right

Well I believe

That now its time for fun

Celebrate with me

Feista baby

Celebrate with me

Feista baby

So much has happened right

You look good and I've been fine

Let's put it all aside


Relays are not my type

But this DJ's got it right

Let's let go and take flight


So much has happened right

You look good and I've been fine

Let's put it all aside


Relays are not my type

But this DJ's got it right

Let's let go and take flight


Let's go away

Let's go away

Let's go away

Let's go away, away-o

So much has happened right

You look good and I've been fine

Let's put it all aside


Relays are not my type (away)

But this DJ's got it right (away)

Let's let go and take a flight (away)


So much has happened right (away)

You look good and I've been fine (away)

Let's put it all aside (away)


La canción I Can't Believe esta incluida en el disco Miss Little Havana de Gloria Estefan. Información y letras del disco.
La canción I Can't Believe esta en el disco Miss Little Havana de Gloria Estefan.
Si que conocer más de Gloria Estefan podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Gloria Estefan, o su discografía.
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