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Letra de Time Is Ticking

Letra de la canción Time Is Ticking interpreteda por Gloria Estefan

Time Is Ticking

Letra de la canción Time Is Ticking interpretada por Gloria Estefan. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Miss Little Havana
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Interprete: Gloria Estefan
Disco: Miss Little Havana

Letra de la canción:

Memories, a summer breeze

I’m on the bus almost getting home

Out on the street, Miami heat

I miss the smell of my Dad’s cologne

And it seems to me like a melody

My favorite song on the radio

When you know

Turn it back before it goes

My front door, the corner store

Climbin’ the tree in my old backyard

My mother’s smile from ear to ear

When I got all A’s on my report card

I can see them all when I close my eyes

It doesn’t seem that long ago

When you know

You turn it back before it goes

Time is tickin’ away, yeah

But it was just yesterday, yeah

Though it’ll never be gone, yeah

We gotta live for today

Ice Cream from the Dairy Queen

On the corner by the Orange Bowl

My Grandma’s voice always tellin’ me

I’d understand when I was old

You can make mistakes, it’ll be ok

But when you learn it’s a pot o’ gold

When you know

To turn it back before it goes

Time is tickin’ away, yeah…

Everything you live and you do

Becomes a part of you, so

You’ll get back what you spread around

Everything you think and you say

Is gonna show up some way

So why not always take the higher ground

Time is Tickin’ Away, Yeah

(El tiempo pasa y no vuelve jamás solo

lo bueno quiero recordar)

But it was just yesterday, Yeah

(Solo este día es el hay que vivir, hacia

adelante yo voy a seguir)

Though it will never be gone, yeah

(Solo te enseña la vida es verdad y lo que

buscas lo vas a encontrar)

We’ve got to live for today

(Hay que vivir para hoy)

Time is Tickin’Away, Yeah

(El tiempo pasa)

But it was just yesterday, Yeah

(Y no vuelve jamás)

Though it will never be gone, yeah

(Solo lo bueno, solo lo bueno quiero recordar)

We’ve got to live for today

(Hay que vivir para hoy)

Time is Tickin’Away,

(Y no vuelve jamás)

But it was just yesterday

La canción Time Is Ticking esta incluida en el disco Miss Little Havana de Gloria Estefan. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Time Is Ticking esta en el disco Miss Little Havana de Gloria Estefan.
Si que conocer más de Gloria Estefan podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Gloria Estefan, o su discografía.
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