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Letra de The fallen

Letra de la canción The fallen interpreteda por Hoobastank

The fallen

Letra de la canción The fallen interpretada por Hoobastank. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Flight or flight
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Interprete: Hoobastank
Disco: Flight or flight

Letra de la canción:

Everything I know will change,

I'll never be the same

So I'm told as a voice repeats

"Again, again and again"

What if it doesn't feel like everyone said it should?

What have I become?

How'd I fall so far,

now no one can find me

Realise in a moment my ambition is a curse

'Cause it hides all the best in me,

but shows the worst

How'd I fall so far, now no one can find me

How'd I fall so far, now no one can find me

There's nothing behind me,

to take me back to start

Can someone remind me,

of who that I used to be?

I can't seem to wake up from this dream

I can't catch my breath enough to scream

Be careful what you wish for

'Cause your wishes may not be what they seem

How'd I fall so far now no one can find me

How'd I fall so far now no one can find me

There's nothing behind me

To take me back to start

Can someone rewind me,

to who that I used to be?

To who that I used to be

(What if it doesn't feel like everyone said it should)

What have I become?

La canción The fallen esta incluida en el disco Flight or flight de Hoobastank. Información y letras del disco.
La canción The fallen esta en el disco Flight or flight de Hoobastank.
Si que conocer más de Hoobastank podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Hoobastank, o su discografía.
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