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Letra de Stray heart

Letra de la canción Stray heart interpreteda por Green Day

Stray heart

Letra de la canción Stray heart interpretada por Green Day. Este tema esta incluído en el disco ¡Dos!
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Interprete: Green Day
Disco: ¡Dos!

Letra de la canción:

I lost my way oh baby, this stray heart

Went to another, can you recover baby?

Oh you're the only one that I'm dreaming of

Your precious heart, was torn apart by me

And you, you're not alone

Oh oh, and I'm where I belong

We're not alone

Oh oh, I'll hold your heart and never let go

Everything that I want, I want from you

But I just can't have you

Everything that I need, I need from you

But I just can't have you

I said a thousand times and now a thousand one

"We'll never part, I'll never stray again from you"

This dog is desperate for a home to your heart

We'll never part, I'll never stray again from you

You're not alone

Oh oh, and I'm where I belong

We're not alone

Oh oh, I'll hold your heart and never let go

Everything that I want, I want from you

But I just can't have you

Everything that I need, I need from you

But I just can't have you

You're not alone

Oh oh, and I'm where I belong

We're not alone

Oh oh, I'll hold your heart and never let go

Everything that I want, I want from you

But I just can't have you

Everything that I need, I need from you

But I just can't have you

Everything that I want, I want from you

But I just can't have you

Everything that I need, I need from you

But I just, just can't have you

La canción Stray heart esta incluida en el disco ¡Dos! de Green Day. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Stray heart esta en el disco ¡Dos! de Green Day.
Si que conocer más de Green Day podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Green Day, o su discografía.
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